8:12 AM

types of skin problems on face

What are the facial conditions that everyone feels “good”? The beauty balance you want to know

Youth can be controlled 1st (6 times in total)

“Youth” can be controlled.
Life is now 100 years old. So my 50s have just stood back. Beautiful appearance is an
important factor 4 a richer life. Anti-aging is the future of controlling the youth by
creating a face that has a positive impression from anyone in aesthetic medicine, skin
care, and makeup.

In the first intensive series “Youth can be controlled”, Jiyugaoka Clinic Director,
Toru Takashi Furuyama, taught us about the “beauty balance” that everyone feels as a
“good impression”.

Appearance of “beauty” can be actively created by adjusting the “beauty balance”

“Every person has an ideal beauty in herself. For example, people with small eyes feel
beautiful with big eyes, and people with thin lips feel plump lips. “There is a beauty
balance that everyone has a good impression on a beautiful face,” says Jiyugaoka Clinic
Director Toru Takashi Furuyama.

There was a “beauty balance” on the face that gave a good impression when it was

“Beauty balance has 6 elements. 1. Parts such as eyes, nose and mouth are well-
balanced. 2. Face line is in place. 3. Round from the forehead to the heel. It must be
curved, 4. The parts must be beautiful, such as long-cut eyes, plump lips, and nasal
passages, etc. 5. It must be symmetrical, 6. The skin texture and color should be
beautiful. “It is a balance of beauty that everyone feels beautiful,” says Furuyama.
Furthermore, when you quantify a beautiful face, the ratio will be as follows.

“The width of the face is equal to the width of the eyes, and it is equally five. The
length of the face is from the hairline of the forehead to the bottom of the eyebrows,
from the bottom of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, and from the tip of the nose to
the tip of the chin. Ideally, each is evenly divided into three equal parts.

In addition, the fact that the inverted triangle at the center of the face = the
central triangle is indispensable is an essential point for a beautiful face.

This “beauty balance” is a common sense in the world, regardless of age or race. A
beautiful face is a well-balanced face.

If you look closely at a well-balanced face, you will notice that it is not only
beautiful, but also youthful. Yes, “beauty” is “youth”.

Now life is 100 years. The 50s have just stood at the turning point. It is important to
create a healthy body that can always be challenged, and to create “beauty of
appearance” that leads to “youth” in order to be active throughout the life and
continue to work with confidence.

Today, there are many options for creating and maintaining a beautiful face, such as
skin care, makeup, and the latest aesthetic medicine. “Please take in what you need and
what you need from the 50s,” says Furuyama.

What are the facial conditions that everyone feels “good”? The beauty balance you want 
to know "Beauty balance" that everyone feels "good impression" regardless of age

1. An ideal form with a width of 5 faces Ideally, the width of the face should be 
divided into 5 parts based on the width of the eyes.

The ideal balance of the width of the face should be evenly divided into five parts 
based on the width of the eyes. People who have little eyes are cute, and people who 
are close to the center have an intellectual impression, but it is important to 
approach this balance to maintain a good, youthful impression even after age. is.

2. The face center inverted triangle area is the decisive factor of “beauty”
The central triangle stands out (the inverted triangle in the center of the face)

An inverted triangle in the center of the face, with the chin from both eyebrows. By 
maintaining this shape, the face appears to be tight and has a vitality that does not 
make you feel the age.

3. The ideal shape of the face divided into 3 parts
It is divided into three equal parts from the forehead to the chin

Ideally, the balance of the vertical width of the face should be divided into three
equal parts, from the hairline of the forehead to the bottom of the eyebrows, from the
bottom of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, and from the tip of the nose to the tip
of the chin. This balance is common throughout the world and everyone feels beautiful.

7:15 AM

What are the benefits of onion?

Onion health benefits are amazing! Thorough explanation including the reason why blood often heard becomes smooth!

In the onion special feature of the TV program, onions are said to be a healthy food that makes blood smooth and works for high blood pressure. How good is the onion's effect on the body? We will examine the effectiveness of onions and explain how to eat onions healthy.

Onions are good for your health:
Do you like onions? Onion is a food that is effective for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and beauty, and is really good for the body. This time, we will introduce an effective cooking method that brings out the benefits of onions and onions that are said to be good for the health of onions based on a little knowledge of onions.

Onions are conveyed as food:
Onions are said to have been transmitted to Nagasaki for ornamental purposes in the Edo period, from Iran and Pakistan in Central Asia. Entered the Meiji era and became effective for cholera and was cultivated as a full-fledged food in Sapporo. Hokkaido is the top producer of onions, but Awaji Island in Hyogo is known as a brand and is known for its sweetness.

Difference between normal onion and new onion:
Do you know the difference between a normal onion and a new onion? In fact, the ingredients are the same onion, and only the shipping method is different. Ordinary onions are dried for about a month after shipment to improve shelf life. New onions are shipped immediately after harvest. That's why new onions are soft, fresh and have little pungent taste. Normal onions are shipped year round, while new onions are shipped from April to May. The appearance and taste change depending on the shipping method.

Onion nutrients:
Onions actually have less of the five macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals). Instead, it is rich in allyl sulfide (allicin), which is effective for vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, and quercetin (a type of polyphenol) that prevents aging.

Onion calories and carbohydrates:
The calories of 100g onion is about 37kcal and the sugar content is about 7.2g. For example, the calories of turnip 100g is about 20kcal, sugar is 3.1g, tomato 100g is 19kcal, sugar is 3.7g, radish 100g is 18kcal, sugar is 2.7g. The average calorie of all vegetables is 36kcal and the sugar is 3.6g, so the calories are almost standard, but the sugar is slightly higher. If you are severely restricted, you need to be careful, but if you are not, you should take it into the diet as it has the effect of preventing metabolism uptake and fat absorption.

Blood becomes smooth and effective for high blood pressure and diabetes:
Onions contain a component called allyl sulfide that makes the blood smooth. It is due to allyl sulfide that sachets in the eyes when chopping onions and feels painful when eaten. Allyl sulfide suppresses blood from solidifying, making it smooth and effective for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, etc. It also helps to prevent blood sugar levels from rising, so it is a healthy food that is recommended for people with high levels of neutral fat and cholesterol, and for diabetes prevention.

Effective for beauty and cancer:
Onion contains an onion pigment called quercetin and a kind of astringent polyphenol, which has an antioxidant effect to remove active oxygen. Antioxidant action can be expected to prevent wrinkles and other aging, prevent colds caused by immunity, and prevent cancer. In particular, the red pigment of purple onion contains a kind of polyphenol, anthocyanin, which is effective in preventing eye strain and eye aging as well as preventing blood pressure and aging, as well as preventing hypertension and metabolic syndrome, and improving liver function. There is. In addition, since glutathione contained in onions is contained in the liver and eyeballs of the human body, eating onions increases liver function and prevents cataracts.

Effective for colds and flu:
Allyl sulfide contained in onions is highly bactericidal, so it will kill the pathogens that have entered the body. It works to control asthma, colds, flu, food poisoning, and more. Also, it will boost your immunity, so take it aggressively when your body is weak.

Effective for relieving fatigue:
Potassium contained in the onion drains excess water and salt from the body, improving swelling. Also, take it with vitamin B1 such as pork, which will help you recover from fatigue, so try to take it actively if you are exhausted.

Cook and store frozen:
Slice or chop the onion and fry before storing. It is convenient to fry it in amber color because it gets better flavor and richness and saves you the trouble of cooking. Stir in 2 tablespoons of oil for 1 onion. Wrap it in a wrap every time you use it or put it in a freezer storage bag and freeze it for a month. The simpler way is to heat the sliced onion in the range for 5 minutes and let it cool before putting it in a freezer storage bag.

12:01 AM

Be careful when eating too much garlic

Be careful when eating too much garlic:

The ramen is filled with raw garlic (Allium sativum L.) that has been overloaded with ambulance and is being transported as an emergency. It is widely known that garlic is good for the body, but it seems that there is even a danger of becoming serious if you eat too much.

Garlic rich in B vitamins:
It seems that this person went to a ramen shop that he was acquainted with just before closing and had all the remaining garlic in the ramen. When you look at the image, you can see the garlic so that you can barely see the pork, and two pieces of butter are added.

Many people are thinking about eating garlic actively to prevent summer heat. It is rich in vitamin B1 that helps relieve fatigue, and garlic-specific substances help keep vitamin B1 absorbed.

What is this garlic-specific substance? Garlic is a lily family plant such as onion (Allium cepa) and leek (Allium tuberosum). Garlic contains amino acids such as cysteine ??(Cysteine, L-Cysteine, ?-Glutamylcysteine) and methionine, a natural compound (Alliin) (Sulfoxide), and an enzyme (Alliinase).

Cysteine ??is not an essential amino acid for humans but methionine is an essential amino acid, both of which are important substances for us. In the human body, cysteine ??can be produced from methionine. Both are considered to be antioxidant substances, and cysteine ??is thought to suppress the production of melanin pigments, and methionine has actions such as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

What is the antibacterial action of garlic?:
By the way, cysteine ??seems to have a smoking cessation effect.

Biogenic Amines made from the carcinogenic substance acetaldehyde (Acetaldehyde), which is a metabolite of alcohol, and amino acids can produce neurotoxins called Harmane and Salisolinol. It acts on the nicotine contained in it, increasing the nicotine dependence of smokers (* 1).

This is one of the reasons why there is a strong relationship between tobacco and alcohol. On the other hand, cysteine ??has a protective action from acetaldehyde, and therefore, it is considered that cysteine ??preparations also have a function of suppressing dependence on nicotine.

However, cysteine ??is changed from the organic compound alliin to the organic sulfur compound allicin (not the allicin amino acid) by the enzyme allinase (* 2). Alliin is also thought to have an antioxidant effect and a function to strengthen the immune system (* 3), but the volatile organic sulfur compound allicin thus created is the source of that garlic odor, It is a substance with a strong bactericidal action.

¡Onion genera such as garlic and onion are eaten by herbivores, and when they are crushed finely and cells are destroyed, allicin is produced by alliin and allinase. The pungent odor of garlic and the tearing allyl sulfide produced when the onion is cut are thought to be due to a protective reaction that makes these plants difficult to eat by herbivores. It is also a reason to be careful not to let them eat.

In other words, garlic does not have allicin, which has a bactericidal action as it is, but allicin can be produced by cleaving or sliding down to make allinase a catalyst. Allicin has anti-oxidant and bactericidal effects, but is thought to be useful for absorption and retention of vitamin B1 contained in garlic, and has an anti-arteriosclerosis function and blood pressure-lowering action that suppresses blood coagulation ( ?Four).

Also, by heating garlic with oil, a substance called Diallyl Disulfide with strong antibacterial action can be produced. Allyl disulfide has been suggested to have anti-cancer activity (* 5), but it also has skin irritation and is an allergen for garlic and allergies.

Garlic is also in ancient Egypt:
As famous for the amulet of the vampire Dracula, the strong bactericidal action of garlic has been known for a long time regardless of the east or west of the ocean.

In ancient Egyptian medical book "Ebers Papyrus" written around 1550 BC, it was written that it was used for treatment of tumors and burns, and it seems that it was used as a preservative for mummy. The use of Egyptian garlic seems to have been introduced from Hippocrates in ancient Greece and Indian medicine, but its pharmacological action is also known as Chinese medaka (Chinese medicine), Japanese Kampo, Korean Kampo, etc. Widely known.

The extract from raw garlic has a strong antibacterial action against microorganisms (food poisoning bacteria and spoilage bacteria) that cause food poisoning such as Gram-positive and negative bacteria. In addition, volatile organic sulfur compounds derived from garlic have been known to have antioxidant effects and to help prevent various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (* 6).

These actions and functions have the risk of adversely affecting our bodies when considered in reverse. Allicin of garlic has the effect of suppressing and killing microbial gene expression, but if you eat a lot of garlic, the strong antibacterial action reduces the number of symbiotic bacteria in the body and protects the intestinal flora (bacteria) Flora) and bifidobacteria that are useful for digestion and absorption cannot play the role.

It is also known that garlic can irritate the digestive organs, and excessive digestive juices can cause damage to the stomach wall. Because of its blood coagulation-inhibiting effect, eating a large amount of garlic can lower blood pressure and cause anemia, or make it difficult to stop bleeding during bleeding. It is also an allergen as described above, and unpleasant bad breath with a sulfur odor often occurs.

The enzyme allinase that makes allicin is weak against heat and can be reduced by cooking garlic, but it cannot be completely eliminated and the antibacterial action of garlic remains. A quarter of raw garlic (2 to 3 pieces, about 10 grams) is the maximum, and about twice that of heated garlic is an appropriate amount.

Just like the garlic ramen at the beginning, if you eat too much garlic to prevent summer batter, you can damage the inner wall of the digestive organs and reduce important symbiotic fungi . Especially in summer, digestive organs are weak.

Garlic is effective even if you don't eat it in large quantities. Keep in mind that people with weak gastrointestinal babies and infants, as well as garlic in moderate amounts, should be careful not to be transported urgently due to abdominal pain.

10:30 AM

The king of vegetables! What is amazing about broccoli

The king of vegetables! What is amazing about broccoli:

Do you know the secret power of broccoli?

Sulforaphane has become famous as an ingredient to prevent cancer, and consumption of cruciferous vegetables including broccoli sprout and broccoli has been increasing recently.

Actually, not only broccoli and sulforaphane, but also a vegetable with a high nutrient density so called "King of vegetables". In addition to cancer, it has become clear that it can be expected to be beneficial for solving business people's health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and activation of brain function.

Benefits of taking broccoli:
Broccoli is a greenish-yellow vegetable with a particularly deep green color, rich in ß-carotene, and works as vitamin A in the body. In addition, vitamin C is about twice as much as lemon and vitamin E is about 6 times that of carrot. .

These vitamins also improve your body's immunity, so it's perfect for the coming season, colds and flu prevention.

Broccoli also contains about 200 types of “Phyto Chemicals” including sulforaphane. Phytochemicals have the effect of detoxifying waste and toxic substances in the body, and the antioxidant effect of removing active oxygen generated from ultraviolet rays. In particular, sulforaphane can respond to minute oxidation at the cellular level and can be expected to return normal functions in the body.

And like many vegetables, broccoli contains plenty of fiber, which can help prevent constipation and obesity.

Broccoli has also been reported to reduce the risk of dementia. One type of vitamin B, folic acid, abundant in broccoli, can be expected to increase human cognitive function.

This ingredient works on the nerve cells of the brain, preventing the decline of memory and thinking ability. It seems that not only dementia, which is common among older people, but also business people who are working hard will benefit from increased work efficiency.

What if you choose a broccoli menu at a convenience store?
When you get busy towards the end of the year, forgetting leads to a lot of work damage. Let's take broccoli well even in the usual convenience store rice to help even a little.

9:14 AM

What is the benefit of carrots?

What is the benefit of carrots;

Carrot nutrition and efficacy. Eat deliciously and improve immunity!

All-purpose vegetable carrots that appear in various dishes such as curry, meat 
potatoes, and salads. Carrots are considered to be excellent health vegetables that 
maintain skin health and prevent colds. Here I will introduce the nutrition and health 
benefits of carrots and how to eat them effectively.

Types and selection of carrots:
What kind of carrots are good carrots? Here are some tips for choosing delicious and

nutritious carrots.

Carrot season:
Carrots are produced throughout the country and are shipped year-round, changing
production areas. The season when carrots are delicious seems to be from autumn to

winter from October to February.

Carrot type:
The common ginseng that you usually see is 5 inch carrots, and the dark carrots that
are circulated as lucky charms during the New Year are the gold carrots. In recent
years, mini carrots and purple and yellow carrots are also on the market. Kinki ginseng

has a soft and unique flavor, and mini carrots are sweet and can be eaten raw.

How to identify delicious carrots:
Choose dark orange as much as possible, and avoid darkened or cracked carrots. Check if
the leaves are fresh for those with leaves, and if the core is visible, the ones with

small diameter and green are fresh, so please refer to them.

Nutrients and benefits of carrots

Nutrients of carrot:
Vitamin A (Carotene)
Carrot, which is a green-yellow vegetable, contains a lot of carotene. Since carotene
is contained in a large amount in the skin, it is preferable to eat it without peeling
as much as possible. In addition, carotene is said to have a high absorption rate in
the body by cooking. It is said that the cooking rate with oil is better than cooking
with boiling oil, so if you want to increase the absorption rate, it is recommended to
eat with fried food or fried food.
Potassium has the function of discharging excess salt in the body. It is a nutrient
that you want to ingest so that you don't run out of potassium because you can expect
blood circulation to improve through the action of potassium.
Dietary fiber
Dietary fiber is a nutrient that is said to have a role in invigorating the intestines,
and seems to be one of the nutrients that people who don't like vegetables tend to


Health effects of carrot:
Carrot containing abundant nutrition such as carotene and potassium. So what is the
health benefits that carrots have on the body? *
Maintain skin health (* 1)
Carotene contained in carrots is converted into vitamin A and acts in the body. Vitamin
A is associated with functions that promote growth, maintain skin health, and make eyes
more accustomed to the dark. It also seems to be effective in preventing bacterial
infections such as colds by strengthening the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.
Helps prevent high blood pressure (* 2)
Potassium contained in carrots has a function of regulating excessive intake of salt
because it excretes sodium. It is also said to help prevent high blood pressure.
Eliminate constipation (* 3)
Since ginseng contains dietary fiber, it has the effect of activating bowel activity
and improving bowel movements. In addition, it has the function of adsorbing lipids,
sugars, sodium, etc., and excreting it from the body. It is also said that it has the

effect of preventing and improving the disease.

How to eat carrots:
So how is it wise to eat carrots? Here are some easy and delicious ways to absorb

nutrients efficiently.

Carrot juice:
The easiest way to make carrots raw juice is the easiest. Since important nutrients
such as carotene and vitamin C are contained in the skin, the juice makes it possible
to ingest nutrients efficiently without worrying about the skin. Adding lemon juice or

other fruits can change the taste and increase the nutritional value.

Carrot tempura:
When carotene contained in carrots is taken together with oil, the absorption
increases, so it can be said that carrot tempura is an efficient way to eat. The carrot
leaves contain protein and potassium, so if you have carrots with leaves, it is

recommended to knead them with the leaves.

Carrot pancakes:
If you don't like carrots, we recommend that you grate it and add it to another dish
like pancakes. There are many types of this method that can be arranged, and it is good
to knead it into bread or pound cake. Also, when added to curry, it seems to add a
subtle sweetness and add depth.
In addition, it is desirable to store the remaining carrots when cooking in a
refrigerator. Carrots are sensitive to moisture and should be stored in newspaper. If

you want to save the cut, just wrap it and save it.

8:15 AM

The nutrition of spinach is amazing!

The nutrition of spinach is amazing!

Think again about the nutrition of spinach:
Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable called a comprehensive nutritional vegetable. Even if you are not familiar with vegetables, you know how nutritious they are. This time I would like to review the nutrients contained in spinach in a digest format.

I want to know before eating! Spinach nutrients

Iron content:
The typical nutrient of spinach is iron. I am surprised because the iron content in spinach is as much as in beef liver.
Iron is a material that makes red blood cells and helps prevent anemia. About 20% of Japanese women are said to be anemic. Care should be taken if symptoms specific to anemia occur, such as fatigue.

Next iscarotene, a representative antioxidant. Suppressing the action of active oxygen has the effect of preventing cancer. With 100g of spinach, you can get 40% of the daily dose.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C increases immunity and helps prevent colds. It also promotes the production of collagen and has a beautiful skin effect that prevents stains and the like. Vitamin C is more effective when eaten at the same time as vitamin E. The wisdom of spinach, which is cooked with "sesame" containing a lot of vitamin E, uses the wisdom of the old people.

As you know, potassium is a nutrient that takes too much salt out of the body. It has an effect of lowering blood pressure and is effective in relieving swelling.

Many people throw it away, the pink part at the base of spinach. Contains manganese, a nutrient that helps bone formation. Insufficient manganese can cause osteoporosis, sterility, and rough skin. Please use it without throwing it away, because it is a nutrient that tends to be deficient.

  • Reference: Don't throw away! The pink color at the base of spinach is nice for the body.
Oxalic acid:
Oxalic acid needs a little caution. It binds to the iron you want to take and interferes with absorption in the body. Therefore, the absorption rate of iron will be low. Therefore, oxalic acid is reduced by boiling down. However, it is not possible to remove all oxalic acid, so it is necessary to eat spinach in a balanced manner with various ingredients.
Reference: How long is the boiled time! ? Boiled spinach that does not miss the deliciousness and nutrition
Besides that, spinach is also rich in vitamin B12 and minerals such as folic acid, magnesium and zinc.

Is winter spinach nutritious?:
Such “spinach” can be seen throughout the year at the supermarket, so there is less awareness of the season. The spinach season is the cold season from November to February. Did you know that spinach during this cold season contains more nutrients than spinach in summer? It is because of this difference in the amount of nutrition that spinach in winter is said to be sweet.

I asked the producer Kusuki of Kagawa Prefecture why the amount of nutrients contained in spinach differs between summer and winter. “For example, the amount of vitamins in winter spinach is nearly three times that of summer spinach. Summer spinach can grow faster and harvest before storing nutrients. This is because the plant itself stores more nutritional value in order to withstand the heat, which means that it doesn't freeze even when the temperature drops below freezing, which is why winter vegetables are said to have a strong taste. "

Even if you think about nutrition, there is a reason for the season of vegetables. I would like to thank the nutritious spinach that has grown in the harsh nature!

6:40 AM

Cherry benefits for your health and beauty

Cherry benefits for your health and beauty

Cherry benefits for your health and beauty:

Cherry is a summer fruit famous for its sweet and delicious taste, and is considered to have many benefits for the body, skin and immunity, what do you know about the benefits of the fruits of cherries?

Contents of the page:

  • an introduction
  • Benefits of cherries
  • Cherry for your beauty
  • Black Cherry Benefits
  • Dried cherries
  • Cherry and easel
  • Nutritional value

Cherry is a summer fruit rich in nutritional values in addition to its delicious taste and attractive appearance, each meal no more than 100 calories and a half grams of fat and high values of nutrients.

So, with its sweet taste, it is the most suitable alternative to unhealthy sweets and snacks. Let us introduce you below on the diverse benefits of cherries and its nutritional value.

Benefits of cherries:
Cherry contains many minerals and vitamins in addition to antioxidants, all of which give special properties and benefits, including:

Enhance immunity and fight diseases:
Cherries contain a distinct range of antioxidants that have the ability to fight free radicals and prevent cancer and heart disease. These antioxidants, especially carotenoids, slow down the signs of aging. All types of cherries contain antioxidants, but they may vary in concentration depending on the color of cherries. Sour cherries are the richest types of cherries antioxidants.

Organization of sleep hours and cycle:
According to a study published in the journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, cherries naturally contain melatonin (Melatonin), a substance secreted by the brain and helps to regulate the hours and sleep cycle. This substance is produced in the dark and is affected by several factors, including artificial lighting that we are exposed to, which limits the production of melatonin, so eating foods such as cherries contribute to increase levels in the body.

Weight loss: 
Cherry contains more than 75% water. In addition to the high percentage of dietary fiber and low levels of calories, this is a special food for those who aspire to lose weight as it promotes a sense of satiety and fullness of the stomach, and reduce the meals eaten later, and its sweet taste is a distinctive snack as an alternative to sweets and high-energy foods.

Promote heart health:
Eating cherries can help lower cholesterol levels by slowing absorption in the blood. Thus, it contributes to the promotion of heart health, as its content of potassium and magnesium works to regulate blood pressure levels, which protects against heart disease and strokes. Its powerful antioxidant content fights heart infections.

Painkiller and anti-inflammatory:
Cherry contains substances known as anthocyanins (anthocyanins) - the pigments responsible for the color of cherries. These compounds, according to the NYU Langone Medical Center, reduce pain associated with inflammation. Especially arthritis and gout pain.

Promote bone health:
Cherry contains the most important minerals necessary for bone growth and strengthening, namely calcium and magnesium, and contains boron (Boron), which helps to increase the health of bones when consumed together with magnesium and calcium.

Cherry benefits for skin and hair:
Cherries contain a variety of vitamins essential for a radiant and healthy skin, such as vitamins A, C, B and E. Hence the benefits of cherries for skin, skin and hair. Here are the most famous:

Prevention of skin cancer:
Cherries contain powerful antioxidants known as anthasinin that fight cancer and prevent their growth. It also protects skin cells and skin from free radicals that may cause damage.

Helps lighten skin:
The researchers believe that cherries have properties that contribute to lightening the skin color and regenerate its cells during long use and contribute to the removal of black spots.

Anti-wrinkles and signs of aging:
Thanks to the high cherry content of powerful antioxidants, especially carotenoids, it is very important in preventing against signs of aging, especially wrinkles.

Nutrients to the skin and help regeneration:
In addition to vitamins nourishing the skin, cherries contain vitamin C, which is important in promoting healthy skin and regenerating cells and tissues, and is very important to combat signs of aging such as wrinkles.

Perfect food for hair:
The rich cherry content of useful nutrients makes it the perfect food for hair and keep it healthy. Thanks to its vitamin A content, it strengthens hair follicles, while vitamin C content strengthens hair follicles to prevent breakage. Its content of B vitamins helps promote blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes cell regeneration and thus promotes hair growth.

Black Cherry Benefits:
The dark red cherry is a great source of flavonoids and is a powerful antioxidant that has many benefits for the body, in addition to other ingredients.

Fighting toxins and boosting immunity:
Black cherries contain a group of antioxidant flavonoids (Flavonoids), such as anthocyanins (anthocyanins), a chemical compounds responsible for giving cherries a dark red color, which supports the immune system of the body and works to support and strengthen its resistance to diseases and microbes and any external toxins or free radicals that may Produced in the body as a result of various metabolic processes, which may be responsible for damage to cells and death, and may be irreversible injury in the signs of aging and aging. Anthocyanins already have anti-inflammatory and cancer properties, according to a study published in the annual review of science and food technology.

Helps prevent obesity and cures chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Help in the prevention of digestive problems:
Thanks to the high content of black cherries in dietary fiber, it contributes significantly to the prevention of constipation and promote the health of digestion and digestive system and facilitate bowel movement and softening. It is usually recommended to eat daily servings of fiber of at least 21-38 grams, and one cup of dark black cherry can provide you with 2.9 grams of dietary fiber. So being included in your daily diet can actually contribute to the recommended fiber intake.

Promote healthy skin and joints:
Cherry is a high source of vitamin C. Known as a very powerful antioxidant and contributes to the formation of collagen and cell regeneration and promote the health of the skin, skin, joints and blood vessels, and face the free radicals that may cause aging and various signs of aging. Vitamin C is also used to heal wounds and maintain healthy gums and teeth. A cup of black cherries provides approximately 9.7 mg of vitamin C.

Benefits of dried cherries:
Dried cherries also have health benefits, including:

Help in weight gain:
Dried cherries are a rich source of nutrients and calories in addition to its sweet taste. . It is advised to take it for those who aspire to gain weight or suffer from malnutrition or athletes.

Enhancing the process of energy production:
Dried cherries are a distinctive source of copper metal important in the process of energy production in the body, which is involved in the process of building collagen important for cells and strong tissues, especially skin cells and cartilage, and copper contributes to the fight against free radicals that may lead to cell damage.

Enhance immunity:
Cherries are a high source of vitamin A and vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants. It protects tissues and cells and works to remove toxins from the body and fight free radicals and pathogens in the body.

Benefits of cherry for pregnant:
Eating cherries may enhance your health and that of your baby during pregnancy by:

Nutritious snack:
Cherry is a sweet, healthy, nutrient-rich snack during this phase.

They are a source of dietary fiber, proteins, iron, calcium and many vitamins and minerals that are very important during pregnancy either for the mother or the fetus.

Promote pregnant sleep:
It is known that pregnant women usually suffer from disorders and difficulty sleeping, and perhaps a frightful meal of cherries may help alleviate these symptoms. Cherries contain melatonin, which is very important for promoting sleep.

Prevention of high blood pressure:
As a source of potassium, cherries will help regulate and control your blood pressure levels. Preventing the risk of pre-eclampsia or fluid retention.

Prevention of infections:
Eating cherries can provide the body with powerful antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agents.

Prevention of constipation:
Cherries provide you with a portion of the daily rations required to eat daily, which may make it easier to digest and prevent constipation or treatment.

Nutritional value of cherries

Cherry is very rich in its nutritional value and is characterized by antioxidants.Here are 100 grams of cherries from the most famous nutrients according to USDA:

  • Calories  = 63 calories
  • Carbohydrates  = 16 g
  • Proteins = 1 g
  • Fat  = 0 g
  • Dietary fiber  = 2 g
  • Vitamin A  = 64 IU
  • Vitamin C = 7 mg
  • Calcium = 13 mg
  • Iron = 0.4 mg
  • Sodium  = 0 mg

7:06 AM

The benefits of strawberries

The benefits of strawberries

  • Strawberries 
  • Composition of strawberries 
  • Benefits of strawberries 
  • Strawberries and resistance to inflammation 
  • Strawberries and prevention of cardiovascular diseases 
  • Strawberries and metabolic syndrome 
  • Strawberries and their preventive and therapeutic role in cancer
  • Strawberries and neurological diseases 
  • Videos Strawberries benefits 
  • References

The Strawberry:
Dietary guidelines recommend increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables to make the
diet healthier, as it has preventive and therapeutic benefits in both obesity and
related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, because
these foods contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and many phytochemical compounds
Phytochemicals, known as phytochemicals, are a large group of chemical compounds
different from nutrients & are naturally present in plant foods & give them colors such
as red in tomatoes. Other sensory qualities such as smell in garlic do many functions
in plants and have the potential to prevent disease in humans. [1]

Mulberry has many health benefits because it contains nutrients from vitamins, minerals
and fatty acids, as well as dietary fiber and many polyphenolic phytochemicals such as
flavonids, phenolic acids, lignans and tannins. Strawberries have gained special
attention as they are one of the most commonly used fruits and berries, especially
because of their involvement in many food industries such as yogurt, juices, jams and
glu. [1] Its extract has in recent years synthesized some supplements with other fruit,
vegetable and herbal extracts, [2] and has recently been known as a functional food,
because of its health benefits beyond its nutrient content. [1]

Strawberry Composition: 
Strawberries are considered to be one of the most nutrient-rich fruits, containing: [1]

  • Carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K
  • It is characterized by it high content of vitamin C as it contains 60 MG / 100 g of 

          fresh strawberries.

  • It is also a good source of many other vitamins such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin 

          (B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6).

  • In addition, strawberries have a manganese content.
  • It is a good source of iodine, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus.
  • They also contain fructose sugar and dietary fiber, and thus provide all the important 

         functions of these nutrients in the body.

  • In addition to the traditional nutrients, strawberries contain phytochemical 

         compounds, which are found mainly as phenolic compounds and have made them functional

  1. Its anti-inflammatory qualities.
  2. Antioxidant.
  3. And reduced blood lipids (lipids) high.
  4. And anti-bacterial and anti-allergic and high blood pressure.
  5. And resistance to cancer cell proliferation.
  6. In addition to the ability to inactivate the work of some enzymes and receptors to 
         prevent many diseases of oxidative stimulation.

Flavonoids, particularly anthyocyanins (pelargonidin) and cyanidine derivatives, are 
the main polyphenols in strawberries, followed by ellagetannins and sanguiin-H-6, 
followed by flavonols. (quercetin and kaempferol-3-malonylglucoside), flavonoids 
(catechins and procyanidins), and phenolic acids (caffeic and hydroxybenzoic 
derivates). [2]

The Benefits of Strawberries: Strawberry and anti-inflammatory
Inflammation occurs naturally when the immune system fights extraneous organisms and damage to the body from wounds, injuries, etc., but constant stimulation of these processes or irregular work of the immune system in relation to inflammation causes an active inflammatory state that plays a key role in chronic diseases: such as heart disease, vessels Bloody, Alzheimer's, and type II diabetes.

A study of obesity-induced obesity mice found an important role for strawberries in controlling blood sugar and regulating many aspects of general inflammation in the body caused by obesity. It stimulated its formation by laser artery wound, and did so because of its effect on some inflammatory products that stimulate atherosclerosis. In humans, there are not a large number of studies on strawberries, but there are more studies examining the impact of berries and their components on health. As an example, a study was carried out to illustrate the effect of strawberry polyphenols on the inflammatory and insulin response that occurred after a meal. Severe oxidative stress was given, one group was given 10 g of dried strawberry powder with the meal, while the other group was given placebo. The results showed that eating strawberries has a direct effect in reducing the inflammatory response Solin detached after the meal. The results of these and other studies illustrate the effect of strawberries in fighting the active inflammatory state that leads to many chronic diseases. [2]

Strawberries and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: Scientific evidence supports the role of fruit and vegetable consumption in the prevention of many factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as: obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, and many studies have found an inverse relationship between eating fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular disease The role of strawberries in the prevention of cardiovascular disease can be summarized in three effects, such as: [2]

  • Antioxidant.
  • Antihypertensive.
  • The following studies show these effects:

Strawberry studies suggest the role of flavonoids as antioxidants in maintaining cell membranes from oxidants that contribute to cardiovascular disease. In a study of 23 healthy volunteers, strawberries were given for a month, resulting in lowering total blood cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL). And triglycerides and a number of free compounds that raise the oxidative stress in the body, and eating strawberries reduces many of the processes that contribute to cardiovascular diseases, such as platelet aggregation and activation. In another study, eating 500 g (a dose of strawberries) a day increased the level of antioxidants in the blood, especially the concentration of vitamin C, and found that strawberries improve the resistance of red blood cells to decomposition, and found that anthocyanins extracted from strawberries and blueberries reduce Another study found that anthocyanins (60% extracted from strawberries and blueberries) reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and that consuming at least 3 servings a week of strawberries and blueberries reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. 2]

Strawberries and Metabolic Syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is defined as having at least three of the following conditions: moderate obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, high triglycerides, and bad LDL cholesterol (HDL) imbalance. Metabolic syndrome is associated with high inflammatory and oxidative indices. Fat in the body. Mulberry has gained particular attention in the search for its role in the resistance to this syndrome, where many studies have shown the role of strawberries or anthocyanins extracts in reducing blood sugar in cases of obesity and diabetes. Control blood sugar and blood pressure and improve metabolic syndrome. In a trial of 27 people with metabolic syndrome, 50 g of dried strawberry powder (equivalent to 500 g of fresh strawberries) were given daily, resulting in a decrease in total blood cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL) and malondialdehyde (an oxidative stress meter). And small bad cholesterol molecules, which improves the metabolic syndrome in obese adults, and other experiments have found the effect of strawberries in lowering the rise in sugar and blood insulin resistance syndrome after meals. It can be concluded from the above that strawberries have a positive effect on resistance to metabolic syndrome and in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, and it may be useful to deal with them frequently by people who have a susceptibility or risk of developing them. [2]

Strawberries and Their Preventive and Therapeutic Role in Cancer: Strawberries are characterized by cancer-fighting, antioxidant and protective effects of genes. These have been demonstrated in studies of many types of cancer cells in humans and in-vitro mice, and in in-vivo studeis. However, studies within the body looking at the impact of strawberries on cancer in the human body are still limited and more studies are needed to support their findings. In strawberries, there are many polyphenols that have anti-cancer properties. Strawberry's role in cancer resistance is explained by its ability to detoxify certain carcinogens, get rid of active oxygen compounds, reduce oxidative damage to DNA, reduce the proliferation of cancer cells by stimulating their death, stopping their dividing cycles, and stopping the formation of nutrients. , In addition to other mechanics. In a study of chemical-induced oral cancer in experimental animals, strawberries were found to reduce tumor formation, signs of inflammation and cancer cell proliferation.In human studies, eating some flowering plants, including strawberries, was associated with a lower risk of esophagus, head and neck cancer. Another study of people with ulcers in the esophagus found that eating strawberries at a dose of 60 g per day for 6 months was able to prevent the development of these cancers. For colon cancer, a study was conducted on experimental mice and found a positive effect of strawberries on many indicators of cancer development, while a large study was conducted on humans to show a simple relationship of strawberries with a reduced risk of colon cancer. In mice, strawberry aqueous extracts were found to inhibit the growth of tobacco-induced lung tumors. They also prevented pulmonary emphysema, liver degeneration, weight loss and gene dysfunction. Genetically stimulates breast cancer. [2]

Strawberries and Neurological Diseases: A study conducted between 1980 and 2001 found a correlation between eating strawberries and blueberries in high quantities with a slow decline in cognitive abilities. Fecitin) has antidepressant properties in experimental mice and has been found to raise serotonin and norepinephrine, which indicates that fecitin can be used as a natural antidepressant. One study found that fecitin played a role in the fight against Huntington's disease, which is characterized by decreased cognitive abilities and symptoms. In addition to the reported benefits of strawberries, strawberries can help treat some Types of anemia due to its high content of folic acid, iron and other nutrients, as it is considered a low-calorie food and suitable for weight loss diet. In spite of the endless benefits of strawberries, some people suffer from allergies to this fruit and all that it contains, such as some types of sweets or drinks, and should be avoided completely in these cases.