
The benefits of strawberries

The benefits of strawberries

  • Strawberries 
  • Composition of strawberries 
  • Benefits of strawberries 
  • Strawberries and resistance to inflammation 
  • Strawberries and prevention of cardiovascular diseases 
  • Strawberries and metabolic syndrome 
  • Strawberries and their preventive and therapeutic role in cancer
  • Strawberries and neurological diseases 
  • Videos Strawberries benefits 
  • References

The Strawberry:
Dietary guidelines recommend increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables to make the
diet healthier, as it has preventive and therapeutic benefits in both obesity and
related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, because
these foods contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and many phytochemical compounds
Phytochemicals, known as phytochemicals, are a large group of chemical compounds
different from nutrients & are naturally present in plant foods & give them colors such
as red in tomatoes. Other sensory qualities such as smell in garlic do many functions
in plants and have the potential to prevent disease in humans. [1]

Mulberry has many health benefits because it contains nutrients from vitamins, minerals
and fatty acids, as well as dietary fiber and many polyphenolic phytochemicals such as
flavonids, phenolic acids, lignans and tannins. Strawberries have gained special
attention as they are one of the most commonly used fruits and berries, especially
because of their involvement in many food industries such as yogurt, juices, jams and
glu. [1] Its extract has in recent years synthesized some supplements with other fruit,
vegetable and herbal extracts, [2] and has recently been known as a functional food,
because of its health benefits beyond its nutrient content. [1]

Strawberry Composition: 
Strawberries are considered to be one of the most nutrient-rich fruits, containing: [1]

  • Carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K
  • It is characterized by it high content of vitamin C as it contains 60 MG / 100 g of 

          fresh strawberries.

  • It is also a good source of many other vitamins such as thiamine (B1), riboflavin 

          (B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6).

  • In addition, strawberries have a manganese content.
  • It is a good source of iodine, magnesium, copper, iron and phosphorus.
  • They also contain fructose sugar and dietary fiber, and thus provide all the important 

         functions of these nutrients in the body.

  • In addition to the traditional nutrients, strawberries contain phytochemical 

         compounds, which are found mainly as phenolic compounds and have made them functional

  1. Its anti-inflammatory qualities.
  2. Antioxidant.
  3. And reduced blood lipids (lipids) high.
  4. And anti-bacterial and anti-allergic and high blood pressure.
  5. And resistance to cancer cell proliferation.
  6. In addition to the ability to inactivate the work of some enzymes and receptors to 
         prevent many diseases of oxidative stimulation.

Flavonoids, particularly anthyocyanins (pelargonidin) and cyanidine derivatives, are 
the main polyphenols in strawberries, followed by ellagetannins and sanguiin-H-6, 
followed by flavonols. (quercetin and kaempferol-3-malonylglucoside), flavonoids 
(catechins and procyanidins), and phenolic acids (caffeic and hydroxybenzoic 
derivates). [2]

The Benefits of Strawberries: Strawberry and anti-inflammatory
Inflammation occurs naturally when the immune system fights extraneous organisms and damage to the body from wounds, injuries, etc., but constant stimulation of these processes or irregular work of the immune system in relation to inflammation causes an active inflammatory state that plays a key role in chronic diseases: such as heart disease, vessels Bloody, Alzheimer's, and type II diabetes.

A study of obesity-induced obesity mice found an important role for strawberries in controlling blood sugar and regulating many aspects of general inflammation in the body caused by obesity. It stimulated its formation by laser artery wound, and did so because of its effect on some inflammatory products that stimulate atherosclerosis. In humans, there are not a large number of studies on strawberries, but there are more studies examining the impact of berries and their components on health. As an example, a study was carried out to illustrate the effect of strawberry polyphenols on the inflammatory and insulin response that occurred after a meal. Severe oxidative stress was given, one group was given 10 g of dried strawberry powder with the meal, while the other group was given placebo. The results showed that eating strawberries has a direct effect in reducing the inflammatory response Solin detached after the meal. The results of these and other studies illustrate the effect of strawberries in fighting the active inflammatory state that leads to many chronic diseases. [2]

Strawberries and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases: Scientific evidence supports the role of fruit and vegetable consumption in the prevention of many factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as: obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, and many studies have found an inverse relationship between eating fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular disease The role of strawberries in the prevention of cardiovascular disease can be summarized in three effects, such as: [2]

  • Antioxidant.
  • Antihypertensive.
  • The following studies show these effects:

Strawberry studies suggest the role of flavonoids as antioxidants in maintaining cell membranes from oxidants that contribute to cardiovascular disease. In a study of 23 healthy volunteers, strawberries were given for a month, resulting in lowering total blood cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL). And triglycerides and a number of free compounds that raise the oxidative stress in the body, and eating strawberries reduces many of the processes that contribute to cardiovascular diseases, such as platelet aggregation and activation. In another study, eating 500 g (a dose of strawberries) a day increased the level of antioxidants in the blood, especially the concentration of vitamin C, and found that strawberries improve the resistance of red blood cells to decomposition, and found that anthocyanins extracted from strawberries and blueberries reduce Another study found that anthocyanins (60% extracted from strawberries and blueberries) reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and that consuming at least 3 servings a week of strawberries and blueberries reduces the risk of coronary artery disease. 2]

Strawberries and Metabolic Syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is defined as having at least three of the following conditions: moderate obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, high triglycerides, and bad LDL cholesterol (HDL) imbalance. Metabolic syndrome is associated with high inflammatory and oxidative indices. Fat in the body. Mulberry has gained particular attention in the search for its role in the resistance to this syndrome, where many studies have shown the role of strawberries or anthocyanins extracts in reducing blood sugar in cases of obesity and diabetes. Control blood sugar and blood pressure and improve metabolic syndrome. In a trial of 27 people with metabolic syndrome, 50 g of dried strawberry powder (equivalent to 500 g of fresh strawberries) were given daily, resulting in a decrease in total blood cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL) and malondialdehyde (an oxidative stress meter). And small bad cholesterol molecules, which improves the metabolic syndrome in obese adults, and other experiments have found the effect of strawberries in lowering the rise in sugar and blood insulin resistance syndrome after meals. It can be concluded from the above that strawberries have a positive effect on resistance to metabolic syndrome and in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, and it may be useful to deal with them frequently by people who have a susceptibility or risk of developing them. [2]

Strawberries and Their Preventive and Therapeutic Role in Cancer: Strawberries are characterized by cancer-fighting, antioxidant and protective effects of genes. These have been demonstrated in studies of many types of cancer cells in humans and in-vitro mice, and in in-vivo studeis. However, studies within the body looking at the impact of strawberries on cancer in the human body are still limited and more studies are needed to support their findings. In strawberries, there are many polyphenols that have anti-cancer properties. Strawberry's role in cancer resistance is explained by its ability to detoxify certain carcinogens, get rid of active oxygen compounds, reduce oxidative damage to DNA, reduce the proliferation of cancer cells by stimulating their death, stopping their dividing cycles, and stopping the formation of nutrients. , In addition to other mechanics. In a study of chemical-induced oral cancer in experimental animals, strawberries were found to reduce tumor formation, signs of inflammation and cancer cell proliferation.In human studies, eating some flowering plants, including strawberries, was associated with a lower risk of esophagus, head and neck cancer. Another study of people with ulcers in the esophagus found that eating strawberries at a dose of 60 g per day for 6 months was able to prevent the development of these cancers. For colon cancer, a study was conducted on experimental mice and found a positive effect of strawberries on many indicators of cancer development, while a large study was conducted on humans to show a simple relationship of strawberries with a reduced risk of colon cancer. In mice, strawberry aqueous extracts were found to inhibit the growth of tobacco-induced lung tumors. They also prevented pulmonary emphysema, liver degeneration, weight loss and gene dysfunction. Genetically stimulates breast cancer. [2]

Strawberries and Neurological Diseases: A study conducted between 1980 and 2001 found a correlation between eating strawberries and blueberries in high quantities with a slow decline in cognitive abilities. Fecitin) has antidepressant properties in experimental mice and has been found to raise serotonin and norepinephrine, which indicates that fecitin can be used as a natural antidepressant. One study found that fecitin played a role in the fight against Huntington's disease, which is characterized by decreased cognitive abilities and symptoms. In addition to the reported benefits of strawberries, strawberries can help treat some Types of anemia due to its high content of folic acid, iron and other nutrients, as it is considered a low-calorie food and suitable for weight loss diet. In spite of the endless benefits of strawberries, some people suffer from allergies to this fruit and all that it contains, such as some types of sweets or drinks, and should be avoided completely in these cases.